Thursday, August 25, 2011

Fatal Wedding Big Reveal Day 4: Nick's Suit

In February, I wrote: I think about Nick in a tuxedo, and I just say, "Mmmmm." Whooo... Just took a little mental trip to heaven there for a minute. What can I say? Nick is tall and buff and HOT. Now, do your best to imagine him in one of these fine suits, and then tell me which one you prefer for him.

Nick's Suit 1

Nick's Suit 2

Nick's Suit 3

What did I tell you? H-O-T, right? Mmmmm.... I leave Nick's wedding hotness in your capable hands.

And you chose: NUMBER 2

Whoo hoo! Now, I'm going to have me a little dream about Nick in a tux. In the meantime, because Nick is Mr. Style, I'm offering a $25 gift card to Abercrombie & Fitch today. Just tell me how you think Nick is going to look in the suit we chose for him. Thanks to everyone who has shown up to play so far. Planning a wedding is so much fun, and it's made even more fun by all of you!